games by david figatner
You play games. I make games. I hope we meet.

LOOLO is a fast-paced pattern game. Press all the colors on the border before your time runs out.

How many levels will you complete?

Will you get to the end?

Technical Game Information
Latest Build: v1.1
Change Log:
Programming Language: HTML5 and Javascript compiled on Cordova
Game Engine: bespoke - see my Github repositories for open-sourced components
Graphics Engine: PIXI.js
Sound Engine: howler.js
Storage Engine: localforage
Source Code Editor: Visual Studio Code
Graphics Editor: Affinity Designer
Audio Editor: Audacity, abelton
Favicons Generator: RealFaviconGenerator
Fonts: SquareFont
Source Code Repository: Github
Work Spaces: Tiff's Places, Sprout